Monday, October 6, 2008

Writing vs Coding it Musings or contemplations....
Here are some thoughts on Writing vs Coding
(Before that...for those of you who are BORN Coding FREAKS...dont read this!!)...this is way too complex for you guys to understand or appreciate!!

Which language is easier??
English (or) C/C++/Java
Answer: Welll?????...........English ofcourse!!

Who according to you is a linguist?
A person who speaks in langauages that HUMANS understand (or)
A person who speaks in languages where all the alphabets are like jumbled words..printf, scanf, stdio, iostream, cout, cin..??? (What the hell does this mean?)
Answer: (You kidding me...Obviously its the first one)

Which is easier??
My name is Nithya (or)
int main()
std::cout << "My name is Nithya\n";
return 0;
Answer: Ya right!!! .... :-D

Possible entry for booker's prize
The Inheritance of Loss by Kiran Desai (or)
Understanding Pointers in C by Yashwant Kanitkar
Answer: Wonder what Yashwant Kanitkar thinks??@@!!

What's the significance of the letter F?
6th letter of the alphabet...or a much easier way of saying....(U know the rest!) (or)
fprintf, fflush (Does this seem weird only to ME???)
Answer: What the f??? :-p

I guess the only person who would want to comment on this post would be my best buddy B.G!!


Bg said...

I am laughing my ass out. You know wat i cant believe you could actually write that print your name stuff as a code. how did you manage that? tell me the truth! did u google that one out? :P. I would have!!!!
Lol.good one

Nithya said...

What do u think??? :-)

Unknown said...

I have a question for you goofballs -

What would you say if i told you -
"Ik hou van je schatje!"

Thats a rhetorical question. Its the same way to a computer. A computer hardly even argues , it just does what you want it to do.

Well...Learn another language.

Nithya said...

Poda vennai!

Unknown said...

he he he :D i enjoyed this a lot, well done, u have reflected my thoughts in too!!

Anonymous said...

hehehe LOL this is good. -Pooja