Monday, October 27, 2008

It's the Festive Season yet again....

The day started off with my neighbors ( never seen them till date) bursting these lousy BIJLIS...
Wish I could strangle the guy who woke me up from a nice and sound sleep...Ahhh, what the hell! It's Diwali afterall !!

Somehow, with all that noise I thought the entire morning was gonna go for a toss. However, surprisingly I was at so amazingly ACTIVE. Helped to clean up the house, helped in cooking, prepared coffee, got ready, packed sweets for all relatives.....
And just when we decided to leave the house, relatives kept stepping in one after the other!!
So there it was, aunts and uncles all decked up in ethnic clothes....Most of them sweating (after walking up 2 floors, DUH!!)
And all we did was just YAP, YAP and Yap....No focus on a subject....but yes, the conversation would just flow like an avalanche!!!

And then after all that yapping and gossiping ;-) ...hunger set in! Couldn't wait for anyone else, had lunch all by myself...watchin Vetaiyaadu Villaiyaadu!! It felt like a typical festive holiday!!

Was just flipping over channels; nothing but celebrity cr@p all along....with tons of celebrities bragging about their personal lives (trying to relate it to their professional life obviously) when they are actually supposed to talk about Diwali as a festival!! (Wow, what a challenging task!)

Later decided to hang out at a cousin's place!! Managed to witness couple of chinese crackers there! Perhaps the most low-profile Diwali I've ever seen! Hardly anyone was bursting crackers. Guess with the economic recession, people have finally realized that it's not worth to BURN money! ....or perhaps even becoming environmental-friendly!! (Yeah right!)

Landed up having a lousy headache in the evening ! Still feeling sick and drowsy!! Somehow the sight of sweets is making me wanna puke!! Bllluuuurrrpppppppp.......
Gonna crash early!! Leaving to Tirupathi tomm....

Until then.....Take care...
and May this Diwali bring you lots of happiness, joy, wealth, health and most importantly PEACE OF MIND!!!


Bg said...

Happy Deepavali gal! Hope u had lotsa fun..
I miss u too

Unknown said...

BURN money :) nice.. :)