Thursday, October 16, 2008

Some Women are Weird!!

Have you ever wondered how SOME women can be so unpredictable?

There aren't too many women I know who are CRAZY, but today I managed to meet one!
And besides I'm not the only one who thinks that way. Most of the people around (Both men and women think so!!)
Ya, so what's so crazy about this female?
Well, not sure if she is an "Attention-seeker" ...or if she's just "Made-that-way" sum it up..she's plain and simple CRAZY!
Well, to give you an insight on this-
There is this administration tool using which we can log our queries (basically Support tickets) and this is later processed by a person in the Support department. So ideally speaking, you can find messages like:
1) Printer not functioning
2) Upgrade the s/w on my machine
3) Require admin rights for XXX system
And what our intelligent lady-on-the-block raises??
See this...
1) The SOUND of the water from the fountain is too NOISY! (Oh, and this woman yaps most of the time such that she can be heard across the entire bay!)
2) The security guard looks frightening and doesn't pass good vibes (Guess he felt the same about her!!)
3) Change the bus route and introduce new boarding points such that it caters to the needs of the employees (Well, you know she obviously wanted it to be easy for her and not ALL the employess. And what I did hear is she wanted to get off the bus right in the middle of a flyover, and as the driver refused she got furious!)
4) Provide MORE aerated beverages. (Apparently, Ms.Sophisticated was having a headache and wanted to have something aerated to drink but it had all got exhausted in the wending machines!)
5) Reduce the temperature around her cubicle as her monitor was getting heated up (Oh, there are about 7 of us who sit around the place she does, and we almost freeze with the currently set temperature)
6) You should have separate seats for women in the bus. (I believe she doesnt approve of it when a lady has to sit next to man in the bus if she doesnt find another seat. She feels the man should be cordial and decent enough to get up and find himself another place and let the lady be seated comfortably!)

And the list goes on...Can't really write 'em all!!! :-)
Ya, so I dont understand what it takes for a person like this to act sane!
Perhaps trying to set a very unique status for herself!! What an achievement!!!

Oh, and there's more to this hideous behaviour. Another friend found these posts of hers, copied it to an email and forwarded it to so many friends. And as you know, this got forwarded to a million people...Unfortunately the last person to receive it was this female herself!!
She went straight up to that guy and demanded an explanation for this ruthless act of this!! (Bwwahahhahaaa!!)...Poor guy! there's one CRAZY woman that I know...
Have you guys come across similar yet unique characters?


Bg said...

Yeah!! We have come across a lot of them. Haven't we? ;-)
People who go yap,yap,yap. Basically attention seekers. Its better to ignore them but guess what its ok to make fun of it and laugh as well!

Unknown said...

hehe, i can only imagine how your living with this one!!! :D in fact, mahesh has one lady who is exactly the same in his office and if by chance i run into her, her chapparing just does not stop, and not just talk, crazzzy talk!! :D and she hardly even knows my full name!!

Unknown said...

Hehehehe......So, atlast, U got 2 know that (some) Women are Weird.....
BTW, did u get any chance to chk out all those IT/IBC tickets created against the Security guys, Faclilities Dept(Cleaning Dept), Cab drivers and all other mere creatures reporting all the Damn things in and around SAP??

Helllloooooooo, Guessssss, if she gets to knw that u have cribbled all these things abt her in ur blog, how ur Life @ SAP wud be !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hehehehe :-D
