Thursday, November 26, 2009

Vacation of 2009

Ahhh....the thought of a vacation instantly brings that SMILE to my face.
Why, you ask?? Well, I'm sure gonna tell you....but you'll have to take some time to read the next few blog posts to get a hint as to WHY?...

I faintly remember my last...ACTUAL vacation. It was way back in the 7th grade. Haven't really managed to have a well-deserved holiday eversince. Not sure why, but just haven't! And after long years of lazy summer breaks, slothful weekends , ...finally came THE vacation - the one that I was looking forward to more than anything else (perhaps more exciting than receiving my pay cheque every month!)

I remember the plans started some time around April 2009. My cousin came up with the draft of the itinerary. He loves traveling and I must admit,...thanks to him my family and I have understood the essence behind traveling to places that gripped our attention so much that we felt on top-of-the-world!!

A lot of work had gone into preparing the final plan. We exchanged phone calls, emails, spent evenings at each other's place to educate ourselves on what the plan was about. As for me, it had more to do with curiousity...and a constant urge to understand every single detail of every place that we planned to visit in those 11 days.

I've never felt this excited ever. I've read so much on these places like never before. Suddenly, geography became so interesting that every day I'd log in to Google maps!
And by the time we realized it, the morning of 30th October,2009 finally dawned!

It is rightly said that "Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder" ...and I can't agree more after my maiden trip to the HIMALAYAS!

Thanks Subbu for making it happen! :-)

P.S: More blog posts to follow!