Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Uncivilized ......UGH!

Written about 2 months back...I just missed out publishing it! :-s

I've come to accept the fact that Bangalore has a LOOOONNNGG way to go in terms of CIVIC SENSE! I used to think there were SOME sane people out here....but I've been forced to do some rethinking!
What made me think so......Read the incident:

This happened a few days back; one evening on my way back home from work.
I ride back home every evening; and trust's painful. Especially during summer, its awful! There are a zillion vehicles on the road and I always have the gifted spot of getting stuck right behind a huge bus at every d@mn signal. So with all that smoke and dust hovering all over my face, I raced through the crazy roads of B'lore!
At one of the junctions, I had to wait for about a minute before the signal turned green! Once it did; there was not just one but two morons; one in a Swaraj Mazda Van and the other on a bike who overtook me without a clear signal. Well, this is something which happens all the time.
Anyways;...the fun starts here! ...
There's a median in the center of the road. The driver of the Mazda zoomed towards it by manoeuvering the vehicle to the right while the guy on the bike had no option but to speed up and try and overtake the van. However, the highly intelligent driver of the Mazda accelerated further and once he got close to the median; SPAT an entire sack full of PAAN (supari...UGHHH!) ....little did he know that in less than a second all that $hit would be on the biker's face!!! YUCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKkk.....
And the blessed person that I am (GOSH!), I got to witness the entire series of events which lasted for less than a minute....EEks!!!
Probably the yuckiest minute of my life!!

The question here is not about WHY people out here SPIT while driving....(Well, in India people use the roads for anything...and I mean ANYTHING!!) Its more about why the HELL don't they look at the godd@mn rear-view mirror before spitting!! That's the LEAST they can do!!

Even this morning on my way to work, another guy in a Santro performs his early morning ritual by spitting on the road. I mean, I'm talking about EDUCATED, supposedly well-bred people, with classy jobs and hefty salaries....However, in terms of Civic Sense they have no idea about how irresponsible they are! ...ZILCH!

I guess, its about time that the leading fashion designers in the country came up with this ultra-trendy SPIT-PROOF outfit - that you can wear for all seasons! And yes, ..definately at a reasonable price! :-p...


ArunnurA said...

Very true...its quite sad...these things dont come from education...its "common sense"...a similar thing happened in goa...some1 from a tate sumo spat at our vehicle. Our driver got damn pissed, chased the sumo for a km, stopped him and thrashed the guy who spat...i thot he wud kill the guy...but such people deserve such treatment...

Suma said...

I would say...these days the educated people are the ones who break all kind of rules and behave like an illiterate and uncultured fools.

Nimme said...

Just landed here from BG blog!

This is very common here as well. I saw a guy in Honda Civic fiddling with laptop inside threw dropped some cigar packets (empty ones) on the road in nandanam signal.

Well if a guy in lungi on cycle does that things we can think ok this guy dint go to school or college or illetrate or things with that..but what these ppl do is what makes us(India go backward)

Also if u tihnk in big picture look at how many educated ppl cheat(in specific home rent declaration) while they pay taxes.

its that mentality that puts us back.

its sad we cant do anything abt it.

Nithya said...

@Arun - That must have been quite a sight!! ...GOSH!
@Suma - Absolutely! Perhaps education doesnt really hold any place for Civic Sense anymore...SIGH!
@Nirmal - Oh yes! throwing stuff from a moving vehicle is always the easiest option. What a pity!

ruki said...

hey Nithya, love the colorful pics on ur blog, keep going!

ruki said...

hey Nithya, i like the colorful pics on ur blog, keep going :)